S.O.D.A. - Scan, Observe (or Orient), Decide, Act.
There is a mantra that has been floating around leadership circles for the past few years: ‘disrupt yourself before someone else does it for you’. This month, we have discussed the foundational factors that contribute to designing a life that you choose and craft for yourself. Crafting your own life routinely prompts you to reflect on, and be acutely aware of, the thoughts and behaviors of oneself and others. In many cases, this process will call for a disruption - an upending of traditional or status quo existence - and innovation.
As you scan your life, you have observed that in some facets of your life, you have reached a plateau and/or you are not sure that the previous goals you identified for yourself will actually bring you the happiness and satisfaction you believe they once would. This crossroad is where we need to launch our disruption measures.
The choices and decisions you make after scanning and observing will require innovation, risk taking, courage, and value alignment. The actions you take will vary and may require sacrifices. For example, if focusing on ‘climbing the corporate ladder’ becomes draining, you might consider a lateral move with another organization that will provide you with the development you need to propel your career forward. In fact, several years ago, I accepted a role that took me below the leadership level and it was the best thing that ever happened for my career (I literally took one career step backward to move two steps forward!). Or, you may have to create some space and distance from toxic relationships or from influences that are not challenging you to evolve into the best version of yourself. In most instances, however, the disruption will need to occur internally. You will need to conduct assessments of your emotional, social, conversational, cultural, and cognitive intelligence. Disruption affords us the wonderful opportunity to critically examine our mindsets, orientations, and assumptions in an effort to arrive at a place of congruency, accord, harmony, and balance in our lives.
So, leader, are you willing to disrupt yourself to achieve the happiness and self-reliance that results from a well-designed life? Your desire for a life worth living, a life worth emulating, and a life that breeds more leaders is merely a S.O.D.A. away! Claim the power of choice, accept 100% responsibility, let go of prepackaged ideals, and disrupt your own life before someone else designs your life for you.
Quotes for Growth
“He who can handle the quickest rate of change survives.”