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EDG Blog

EDG Blog

How Bad Do You Want It?

How bad do you want it? 

In my youth, this was the question my mother would ask me when I stated that I really wanted something, but my thoughts, feelings, and actions were solely focused on the obstacles. If you believe you are ready to make a shift (new job, seek a promotion, start a business, relocate, etc.), assess your capacity for discomfort in the pursuit of growth. What are you willing to give up? What concessions are you willing to make? What are your non-negotiables? How does this align to my core values? Where do you need to be flexible? 

I encourage you to release your grip on the low-hanging fruit: excuses, rationalizations, procrastination, blame, denial, and the scarcity mentality. Let go of the “would’ve”, “could’ve”, should’ves” and start answering the big, important questions: How bad do you want it? What are you willing to sacrifice? What are you waiting for? And, most importantly, how are you going to celebrate when you achieve the thing you’re after? Complacency and false starts are always available amongst the low-hanging fruit. Success is found at the canopy of the tree, so start climbing! I’ll see you soon (if you want it bad enough)!

Quote for Growth

“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.” — Ann Landers

Video of the Week

Pursue your dreams.

Chris Smith