The Rehearsed Stories
Unthink. Unlock. Untangle. Unfreeze. Untrain. Untie. Undo.
There is an abundance of research and literature on why current professional development programs, strategic plans, and goal setting fails to hit the intended target. The common thread stems from piling more information, assumptions, and trendy techniques atop of outdated, and often toxic, ways of thinking and operating. It's often the rehearsed maxims, informal rules and destructive cultural norms that stifle innovation in the workplace. Unfortunately, what usually seems to receive the brunt of the blame are people, limited resources, and technology.
One of the most important opportunities available to us during this pandemic is that we will be forced to “un” many of the traditions, conditions, must-haves, and procedures we were anchored to. I am inspired by all the stories I’m hearing from clients, colleagues, and friends who are beginning to “unthink” what was previously considered unchangeable. In order to elevate to new levels of learning and leading, we must include time to reflect on what we need to unlearn, so that we can make space for new information to craft its own space and patterns. Otherwise, we are subconsciously creating a mental ‘oil vs. water’ situation in our thinking and behaving, which leads to defensiveness, confusion, and overwhelming feelings of loss of the status quo.
So, leaders...what opportunities are you denying yourself access to while you are busy rehearsing old stories? What narratives do you need to unanchor yourself from? What rules, procedures, and constraints do you need to unlearn and untie yourself from? What might be available if you began to dismantle the emotional bunker and removed your mask of invulnerability more often? Consider slowing down to untangle your leadership from what no longer serves you. Become more porous, so that new learning and new narratives can flow through you!
Quote for Growth
“You can make your mind your medicine, or you can make it your misery-making machine”
Video of the Week
Stop creating misery.