Control Your A.P.E.
Each new day is a gift.
That gift is an opportunity for renewal of our spirit, fresh perspective, and a chance to heal from the past and influence the future. Consequently, for many of us, each new day also presents an opportunity to ruminate, rehearse, and fixate on our anxieties, fears, and frustrations - the limiting beliefs robbing us of the possible future. Thankfully, there is a “spirit animal” that lives inside each of us that is primed and ready to pivot from our negative thoughts toward high performance and success.
Each of us embodies the power of an A.P.E.. Our A.P.E.’s sole purpose is to assist us in leveraging our controllables - Attitude, Preparation, and Effort (A.P.E.). If it’s true that in life, “we can’t control the wind, but we can adjust the sails”, then our Attitude serves as our sails. Our attitude is the response to any situation, positive or negative and we are in full control of it. The pursuit of excellence and mastery are levers we control through Preparation. The prepared person utilizes the 86,400 seconds available each day to move closer to their goals. Most importantly, amidst the presence of limiting beliefs, it is by controlling our focus, energy, and engagement that our Effort serves as the grounding lever in breaking free from the pull and allure of things we cannot control. (To learn more about A.P.E., refer to Dr. Kamphoff’s book, Beyond Grit).
So, leaders...are you willing to “control your controllables?” Will you make the choice to activate your A.P.E. to seize and maximize the gift of each day? I encourage you to acknowledge and honor the limiting beliefs as they arise, then pivot toward your controllables and lever your inner A.P.E.!
Quote for Growth
“To achieve high performance in sports, business, and life, recognize that you are in the driver’s seat in your life.”