Stop Going to Work to Do Work
A Note from the Expert
The reason many of us don’t enjoy our work is because we make the mistake of going to work to do work.
What a tedious and exhausting way to live! Rather than viewing work as simply a place of contract-and-compensation, consider work as a place of learning, connecting, experimenting, risk-taking, and discovery. Of course, the low-hanging fruit is to encourage you to find your purpose and passion, so that work becomes more meaningful. The reality is that many of us are still searching for our purpose or don’t feel like our passions will pay the bills. In either case, we can take ownership of our perspective, energy, attitude, and activity while at work.
This month, I encourage you to join me in reading the book, Great at Work. In the book, Morten Hansen outlines several perspectives to help us reframe the place we will spend 90,000 hours of our lives. Hansen posits that work can be a place of mastery, which the book explores in three parts: Mastering Your Own Work, Mastering Working with Others, and Mastering Your Work-Life. Hansen provides several techniques and mindsets that will lead to increased productivity, performance, and connections to those we work with. So, leaders...are you ready to stop going to work to do work? Are you willing to expand your perspective and embrace the opportunities available to you?
Quote for Growth
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”