Biggest Small Thing
The past two weeks hit my community like a mountain of bricks.
The civil unrest, while needed, has been overwhelming. My work requires that I promote optimism and continuous effort, and most importantly, it requires facing reality head-on, so that self-awareness may lead to sustainable change. And, while it may not be a popular opinion, I understand the “paralysis-by-analysis” that some are facing in this moment. Efforts that don’t completely eradicate the racism and systemic inequity that has befallen the Black community seem pointless; staying silent or sitting still are perceived as acts of complicity. It’s tough to know exactly what to say or what to do, but we all must do and say something.
For the Exponential Development Group (EDG), our action has been creating spaces of reflection and fellowship, focusing on opportunities to preserve humanity and promote trusting and meaningful relationships across lines of difference. Will it solve racism and Neither is it sitting still. We decided to answer the challenge issued by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits: “What’s the biggest small thing you can do today?” Where can you have impact and influence in the communities you are a part of? The solution to wicked problems like racism and systemic inequity will only be solved when each of our “biggest little things” add up to real change, humanity, and equality. So, leaders...what will be your biggest little thing?
Quote for Growth
“Without justice and love, peace will always be a great illusion.”