Know the Game You're Playing
“Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.”
We have all heard this idiom about preparation and awareness before. Yet, it appears that many of us find ourselves uncertain about which game we are actually playing and how to prepare for it.
In this month’s book read, The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek, he takes us on an important journey of discernment about which ‘games’ in life are finite and infinite and how to navigate each of them. For instance, while there is a finish line in a race (finite), “there is no such thing as coming in first [place] in marriage or friendship” (infinite). Whether in business or at home, Sinek challenges us to consider if we are “playing an infinite game with a finite mindset.”
Awareness and mindfulness are critical to knowing the game you’re playing. For example, it would be irresponsible for a new entrepreneur to expect a paycheck every two weeks without securing new clients or for you to ask your boss for a raise when the company just announced a 25% budget reduction. Not knowing (or paying attention) to the game you are playing can lead to practices and mindsets of self-sabotage, while knowing the rules, the boundaries, the culture and norms, and nuances of the game provide you a great advantage.
So, leader...which game are you playing? Are you playing a finite game fixated on winning, satisfying your ego, justifying your narrative, and destroying the competition? Or, are you playing an infinite game focused on inspiring others, developing future leaders, building healthy relationships, and operating with a growth mindset? Choose today to take ownership and responsibility for knowing the game you’re playing!
Read of the Month
Quote for Growth
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”