Welcome to a new year and a new decade, leaders!
If you’ve been following the trends these first two weeks of the year, you undoubtedly noticed the references to 2020: 20/20 vision, hindsight being 20/20, etc. I would like to draw your attention, attitude, behavior, and thinking to your commitments. A commitment is the secret sauce - the bridge between a promise to do something and actually executing on it. Housed in commitments are: effective effort (of course), focus (attention and awareness), strategy, adaptability, and accountability. When we select our commitments, we are communicating our core values and ownership of the associated responsibilities for their success or failure. For the courageous, commitments are a signal of the areas where we are willing to accept feedback and are willing to address their conscious (what I’ve outwardly committed to) and unconscious commitments (the self-talk and reflection required to execute).
I want to encourage you to reframe your outlook on commitments. Commitments are often confused with obligations and interests. At Exponential Development Group (EDG), we refer to commitments as things “we get to do” or “have the pleasure/privilege to do”, not things we “we have to do” or curious about doing, so long as the conditions are just right. If you are truly ready to live into the commitments you have selected (your place of employment, friendships, marriages, parenthood, mentorship and/or sponsorship, spiritual growth, etc.), I encourage you to purchase this month’s book. In it, the Conscious Leadership Group outlines 15 commitments that will provide the bridge from promise to execution and will challenge your mindsets about your role in fulfilling your commitments. Please watch this week’s video to learn more about taking a full view of your commitments and what’s required to move forward on your commitments. Happy New Year and New Decade! I look forward to hearing more about your commitments and successes this year!
Quote for Growth
“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”